Left Multicarga de Gas Universal manufactured by Metamar and prior to the Clipper on the right


On 12/23/1968, my husband Josep Escribano registered Utility Model No. 144235 consisting of a new invention of a Universal Multicharger Gas with a drum with several adapters that could be used to recharge many brands of gas lighters. In other words, it was the Universal or Multi-charge Gas Charge. In said record it can be verified in his Memory and in section 5 p. 2 that describes this invention, as follows: "The purpose of this Utility Model application refers to a drum with adapters that allows the transfer of gases from a loading container to other receivers regardless of the valve inlets of the latter" and the Product Claim 1st section 1st page is registered. 5 as follows: "Drum with adapters, essentially characterized by being a single piece, which has a flat face with a series of equal holes, for fitting and stopping the outlet tube of a loading container, which corresponds to the holes of some projections or adapters located on the opposite side, of variable shape and dimensions in correspondence with the anchoring of the various valve inlets of the receiving containers that allow the activation of these valves by exerting pressure between both containers in order to achieve the transfer of gas from one to the other without loss. Likewise, we can see said Universal Multirefiller in the single sheet drawing of the patent in question and the different nozzles that allow the universal charging of lighters, as shown in fig.1.

Subsequently, more than 1 year later, on the 10th, 2nd, 1970, Flamagas SA registered its Attached Utility Model no. 155762 in which it falsely indicates in its Report that to date there were no gas charges to fill lighters of different types of valves, as stated below in said Utility Model of yours, section 10 page. 1 "Until now, gas lighters capable of being refilled from an independent container, provided with a valve for the gas outlet, require to be recharged from an independent container, require as a condition It is essential that the aforementioned outlet valve have configuration and size characteristics, in accordance with those of the lighter's own charging valve. This means that each lighter up to now requires the use of a refill that precisely has a discharge valve. outlet specifically designed for its own charging valve'", which is not true since more than 1 year before, my husband Josep Escribano patented this type of Multirefiller as we said before and which was used to recharge any type of lighter with different designs of valves. Register Flamagas SA its Claim 1, section 15, p. 7 the following: “Universal multi-refill for gas lighters, which is essentially characterized by comprising: a monobloc container in which the gas is contained; an outlet valve for said gas, arranged in said container; a support cap adapted by pressure on the container; a top cap fitted by pressure onto the support cap; and a plurality of adapters or nozzles, unitarily housed in as many cells arranged in the support cover”. You can see the drawing of the single sheet of the Flamagas SA patent, where you can also see the different universal gas filling nozzles.



 Multi-refiller Gas Universal de Metamar designed by my husband Josep Escribano and registered on 12, 23, 1968


                               Universal Clipper Gas Multi-Refiller Post-registered 2/10/1970



                                                            Jutson J-47 electronic lighter

Finally, my husband Josep Escribano registered on 5, 18, 1972 the Introduction Patent 402919 of an electromechanical or piezo-electric ignition system for gas lighters, as registered in Claim 1, section 5 and 10, p. 7. A little over 1 year later, on 6/15/1973 Flamagas S.A. copies this same system in its Utility Model 192559, which is registered in its 6 Claims. It can be perfectly observed that the piezoelectric system that appears in Fig. 1 of the indicated Utility Model of Flamagas S.A. It is completely the same and traced to the piezo-electric registered by my husband Josep Escribano more than a year before, as can be seen in fig. 5 of his patent. But it is also that Flamagas S.A. copies the same piezo-electric again on 6/20/1973 in his Utility Model 19272, as we can see in fig. 5 corresponding.


      Patent nº 402919 of 5, 18, 1972 of my husband Josep Escribano with the Piezo-electric marked



Later Utility Model nº 192559 of Flamagas 6, 15, 1973 with the same Piezo-electric marking as the one previously patented by my husband           


Later Utility Model No. 192702 of 20, 6, 1973 from Flamagas again with the same Piezo-electric marking copying my husband's previously patented

It can be deduced and demonstrated from all of the foregoing that my husband Josep Escribano and myself absolutely always register all our Patents before the Utility Models of Flamagas S.A. and that this company subsequently directly and systematically copied and continues to copy today most of our inventions, without paying me any compensation in all these years.


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