DEATH OF MY UNCLE FRANCESC CASTELLO CARRERAS


                                  My uncle Francesc Castelló, me and my husband Josep Escribano

Years after the death of my aunt Elisa Balagué Sans, my uncle Francesc Castelló Carreras died in Barcelona on October 26, 1983. Throughout his last years, the assets that came largely from my grandmother Roser Sans and my aunt Elisa Balagué, gradually ended up in the hands of the Puigs in a continuous process without pause. My grandmother's 1,000 m2 farm on Calle Art, 98 in Barcelona was divided into various dates and deeds and from there Josep Maria Puig Planas, Antonio Puig Planas and Mariano Puig Planas built two 26-story blocks with the corresponding capital gain.

Subsequently, my uncle's company, Industrias Metálicas Castelló, also ended up in the hands of the Puigs with the corresponding increase in assets after several speculative operations started by Marc Puig Guasch in 1993 when he merged this company, after the death of my uncle, with Eyelet Ibérica S.A. emerging the new firm Lir Española de Packaging S.L. In the end, the Puigs sold my uncle's company to Alcan Rio Tinto, which ended up closing in 2010 after poor management.

Exactly the same thing happened with my uncle's company, Monturas y Fornituras S.A. a viable company for many years and in the end my uncles lost it to the Puigs who also sold it to the French firm Pechiney, also owned by Alcan Rio Tinto. The increase in equity for the Puigs in all these speculative operations at the expense of my family was considerable and in this way they were able to consolidate their other businesses such as colognes and perfumes.

And how was it that my uncle lost all this patrimony at the hands of the Puig? Well, simply with a modest lifetime that took him away from his business when he was no longer useful to them. The one who was the founder of his own company Industrias Metálicas Castelló and gave work in it to Josep Mª Puig Planas, the one who was the creator and promoter of Flamagas, the one who was the founder of Monturas y Fornituras SA together with my aunt Elisa, my uncle, in the end he lost all this patrimony at the hands of the Puigs, as I was saying, for a mere lifetime.

Curiously, in the book published by the Puigs on their alleged and false centenary, on page 12 of the same, my uncle Paco Castelló is named in 4 concise lines, that is, explaining that "Industrias Metálicas Castelló has its own story to tell", which evidently the Puigs do not do throughout the rest of the book and for obvious reasons. Additionally, on page 44 of the same book, the Puigs lie again when they write that Antonio Puig Castelló founded the company of my uncle Industrias Metálicas Castello, a totally false fact since it was created only by my uncle and years before the civil war of 1936, as evidenced by the document of 10, 31, 1957 that I previously showed, by which my uncle as the sole owner of Industrias Metálicas Castelló decided to transform his company into a S.A. .


                               Cover of the Book of the alleged Centenary of Antonio Puig SA


                                        DEATH OF MY FATHER JOAN GALLEMÍ CLAVERIA


                                     My father Joan Gallemí Claveria two years before his death

The death of my father in 1961 at a relatively early age left my mother Maria Balagué a widow in a delicate family and financial situation, since my father, who was the Attorney at Law for Industrias Metálicas Castelló S.A. and later Monturas y Fornituras S.A. property at the end of the Puig, as in other cases, it was never registered by them, finding my mother totally helpless as she did not have any widow's pension. After several requests on my part to the Puigs, in the end I managed to get them to pay my mother a miserable subsidy in the last years of her life that did not reach the minimum wage or the Sovi. Precisely my father who helped the Puigs and myself in the purchase of their central building in Travesera de Gracia in Barcelona through a loan not yet returned to us and in other ways, ended his days without being registered by the Puigs and having to claim them an income that in no case became what would have corresponded to him in the event that the Puigs had registered him with Social Security. Incredible but it was like that.


Header of one of the letters of the correspondence maintained with the Puigs due to my father's lack of pension


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