What has been believed by everyone always and everywhere, has every chance of being false. Paul         Valery

These are some of the numerous lies and deceptions that the Puigs have published over time and are publishing and that on many occasions have affected me and my family and society in general by lacking truth and honesty.

1 - Interview published by Mr. Ángel Font in no less than “Testimonies for History”, volume 4-5 www. www. XAVIER PUIG ALSINA – Testimonies for History, answered by Mr. Xavier Puig Alsina, Administrator of Flamagas and who explains the following;

“In 1959 the match monopoly was abolished. So the Puigs decided to start manufacturing and distributing lighters under the Flaminaire brand and thus Flamagas was born, which had the honor of being the first national manufacturer of metallic gas lighters.”

One of the several lies that the Puig family has published in "Testimonies for History" where Xavier Puig Alsina dares to explain this fallacy, my company Industrias Metálicas Metamar being, as I explained previously, the first to produce this type of lighter in the years 50 and several years before the appearance of Flamagas which was specifically on 1, 22, 1960, without having any experience whatsoever in the manufacture of lighters.

It continues with another falsehood when Mr. Xavier Puig says the following in the same interview:

“In 1971, with the emergence of new technologies for the industrial use of plastic, we designed the world's first lighter made of this material, which we called Clipper, and in 1972 we launched it on the market”. Again they are untrue by not informing that my husband and I were the pioneers of this product in the market.

And he continues with another falsehood: “Because therefore, it was not admissible that once the gas was exhausted, the product had to be thrown away. Hence, we thought of a system to recharge both the stone and the gas. And that need today represents our main hallmark. Some time before, my husband and I had patented and manufactured this system to recharge both gas and stone.

“ The metallic gas lighter has evolved since its birth; In 1971, with the emergence of new technologies for the industrial use of plastic, we designed the world's first lighter made of this material, which we called Clipper."

Xavier Puig Alsina lies again when he states that they designed the world's first plastic lighter, his Clipper model, when I have already explained and demonstrated previously that it was the Jutson Roni model from my company Metamar, manufactured before Clipper existed.

Finally, Xavier Puig talks about values: “When I talk about values, it is not pure and simple rhetoric: a company without values, human and professional, is nothing”.

How many other lies does this interview contain? No comment.

2 – This time, Josep Mª Puig Planas, father of the former Xavier Puig Alsina, is the one who lies again in the same publication of Testimonios para la Historia when he says the following falsehood; “Then are going to decide to carry the idea of making a lighter with very small dimensions and we are going to create the Clipper type lighter, removable but rechargeable. At the same time, this new system allowed a cop to consume the gas from the cigarette lighter after charging the new ". Obviously my husband and I were the true pioneers of this system in our market.

3 – A new case of audacity by the Puigs, this time by lying and lying to Barcelona City Council by giving their Barcelona Design Museum a copy of their Clipper lighter with the following false reading:

  “The social recognition. Aspects with the popularity of the piece, the professional recognition and the ability to play with the visual memory and to evoke forms and sensations are protagonists in this section of the show. “Clipper Classic (1970) by Enric Sardà, the world's first refillable plastic lighter…”

See link:,

4 - El País also publishes this news item: “The Clipper lighter, created by Enric Sardá in 1971 for Flamagas, the world's first plastic refillable… ”

Puig blatantly ignores by not informing the Museu del Disseny or El Pais that it was me and my husband who were the true pioneers, thereby deceiving society without any scruple.

5 – Vanity Fair magazine publishes another falsehood provided by Puig and Flamagas: "" when it says that JosepMª Puig was the founder of Flamagas SA, being in fact the true architect of this company my uncle Francisco Castelló Carreras, the Puigs did not found Flamagas as stated in the deed of incorporation of this company. The Puigs returned to deceive society with these falsehoods. The Puigs in their false centenary book entitled: "Puig 100 years of a family Business" tell another lie when on p. 12 of his book they write: “Puig decided to partner with one of his cousins Paco Castello. Thus was born a parallel company, Industrias Metálicas Castelló”. This company was founded and was owned solely by my uncle Paco Castello. And they continue: "Although the company would later be sold, one of its divisions Flamagas is still controlled by the Puig family", that is, Puig is acknowledging that Flamagas originated thanks to my uncle and his company, Industrias Metálicas Castelló.

6 – Again Puig falsely informs society when he publishes the following in: ””:

“The lighter brand (Clipper) was born at the end of the 50s and in 1972 it manufactured the world's first refillable plastic lighter”, ignoring that my husband and I were the first to patent and manufacture this type of lighter.

7 – In the press article www.//, the Puigs falsely inform again when they explain in this article that: "The company Flaminaire (Flamagas) commercialized in Spain, around the 60s, the world's first common plastic and blue gas lighter”, when my husband and I were the pioneers of this type of lighter.

8 – A new false information provided by Puig to the editor of the website: when he publishes: “The current common plastic and blue gas lighter that we all know evolved from some primitive patent lighters French and were marketed in Spain in the 60s by the company Flaminaire (Flamagas) remember that this was the first blue gas lighter in the world. More than 50 models were manufactured for different types of activities. In 1971 the Bic company bought Flaminaire, and in 1973 it launched the first lighter with an adjustable flame, this company expanded and is currently one of the companies that offer a wide variety of lighters”. My husband patented the first adjustable gas lighter on the national market.

9-Puig falsifies the truth again when he informs La Vanguardia; “Flamagás is chaired by José Maria Puig Planas, who founded it in 1959”. We have already reported that the Puigs did not found Flamagas. Precisely at it is reported that: "In 1959 the Puig group founded Flamagas, which is not true, to dedicate it to the manufacture of lighters, separating this operation from IMC, S.A." In other words, it is being recognized that the activity of the lighters came from the company of my uncle Francisco Castelló Carreras, founder and sole owner of IMC SA, Industrias Metálicas Castelló SA and Flamagas continues to lie when he says in the same publication: “1972 FSA obtained the most successful product in the company's history: the Clipper. This was the first cheap range lighter produced and sold in Spain”. My husband and I were the first to produce and sell this type of lighter in Spain.


10 - Again the Puig and Flamagas mislead the public when they provide the following false information at “1972 (Flamagas) inaugurate the first CLIPPER factory in Barcelona and start manufacturing the world's first plastic refillable lighter. They were pioneers! ". The Puig and Flamagas return to hide the fact that me and my husband were the first to patent the refillable plastic lighter in our market.

 11 – Puig and Flamagas lie again on their website in Italian: when they unscrupulously state that “Clipper is a pioneer in the world of descendants: he is the first to develop the revolutionary concept of the 'accendino in plastica ricaricabile', that is to say that it is falsely reported that Clipper is the pioneer in the world of lighters and has been the first to develop the revolutionary concept of refillable plastic lighter and without mentioning at any time my previous Patents or those of my husband.

12 – Flamagas again falsely informs the French publication of the following link: //“ In 1972, the société Flamagas S.A. inaugurate its premiere plant in Barcelona and also launch the manufacture of the first rechargeable plastic briquet au monde devenant pionnière dans ce domaine! “. He indicates that Flamagas launched the manufacture of the first refillable plastic lighter of world being pioneers. They do not report that the real inventors were myself and my husband.

13 – A new lie from the Puigs when posted at the link: Clipper Lighters ✔️ » Test & Comparison (2022) ( “First of all, the Clipper lighter was the first refillable plastic lighter. “

14 - Flamagas, founded in Barcelona in 1959 by the Puig family, manufactures and distributes its own products worldwide, marketing leading multinational brands in their sector in the Spanish market. New lie of the Puig published in the Link: Candidacy Dossier: Mariano Puig - PDF Free Download ( where the Puig Foundation Established in 1996 and the most opaque of the main fortunes of the country is mentioned.

15 - Opened the first CLIPPER Factory in Barcelona and produces the first refillable lighter in the whole world. A new lie from the Puigs that can be read at the following link: OUR HISTORY – Clipper Cambodia

16 - The 2019 TVE program about the Puigs tells a series of unreal facts, the first of them when it explains that Puig launched the First Lipstick made in Spain, Milady and that to control its quality it is associated with its cousin Pablo Castello, a name that does not exist, since it was Francisco Castelló, my uncle, who was really the first to register the lipstick mechanism, as evidenced by his Utility Model ES24439 of September 18, 1950, in addition to his Utility Model ES39704 of December 24, 1953 and many years before, on May 10, 1935, its Utility Model ES3753 referring to a Makeup Pencil. The Pérez Mesalles brothers, owners of a small laboratory in Sant Andreu (Barcelona) were the ones who developed the chemical formulation of the first Rimmel on the national market and because of this, the Puig asked them to collaborate at first, until their help was no longer available. It was necessary and relations ended negatively for the Pérez Mesalles, as in other cases explained above. The information in this report that Antonio Puig associated with my uncle Paco Castelló to control the quality of Milady lipstick is totally false, since my uncle at that time was not associated with anyone, his company was sole proprietorship.


    Utility Model ES24439 registered by my uncle Francisco Castelló Carreras on 9, 18, 1950


                              Utility Model ES39704 registered by my uncle on 12/23/1954


                                              My Uncle's Utility Model ES3753 dated 5/10/1935

The report explains that Antonio Puig bought a building on Avenida Diagonal in Barcelona in 1945, when he actually went on a secondary street, Travesera de Gracia, and he did it with a loan from the Bank of Spain. He forgets to explain that in addition to this credit, he also requested the previously explained loan from my family and that still, incredibly today, has not been returned to me by the Puigs, a fact that helped them to achieve their growth without paying their debts.

Another falsehood of the report is the affirmation that Josep Mª Puig Planas founded the company Monturas y Fornituras, when the reality is that my uncles Francisco Castelló and Elisa Balagué were the true founders and majority partners of the same, Josep Mª Puig Planas counting with such only a small participation in said company.

At the end of the report, Marc Puig ends with the phrase "We keep our word", without comment.

You can view this report at the following link:

Flash Fashion Monographs: Puig, centennial family | RTVE Play

17 - The Puigs have dared to lie even in court, declaring in a trial in India that they were the first to manufacture refillable lighters. "The plaintiffs were the first to bring refillable gas lighters to the market." See link:… S A & Anr v. Mr. Ojas B Shah CS (COMM) 99/2017 & I.A. 15219/2015


The celebration of the centenary of the company Antonio Puig S.A. in the year 2014 is another falsehood, since the creation of the company Antonio Puig y Compañía did not take place until 1942, so there are still 19 years to go before said centenary. By the way, this company was not founded solely by Antonio Puig Castelló, but was also founded by Julia Planas Cabot and by Armando Soler Cayla, the latter person who subsequently disappears in any mention or history of the company. Antonio Puig Castelló needed them to provide the necessary capital to start the company. See Mercantile Registry of Barcelona.

19 - Falsehoods on the Flamagas/Flamasats website and rectification

As a result of the falsehood that the Flamagas/Flamasats website contained, I sent a Burofax to this company on the 1st week of June 2021, demanding the rectification of its information regarding the fact that Flamagas was a pioneer in the production of metal lighters, an untrue statement . A few days later, Flamagas rectified his false statement and published the truth. Flamagas currently explains on his website that he is one of the first companies and not the first to offer metal lighters. This rectification highlights the lack of credibility that the explanations and information of the Puig have and reaffirms all my previous information and this blogg.


                                           Flamasats website before my burofax of 6, 2021


New Flamasats web page after my burofax and current text of their website where they are no longer the first company but ONEof the first

20 – Curiously, at the time of copying my Patents and those of my husband, the Puigs did so without any scruples or remorse, but when they are the ones copied, they put all the means at their disposal to avoid it, even as reported in the attached document , compromising the physical integrity of people if necessary. See link:


As I have previously explained, the Puig family, Josep Mª Puig Planas, Xavier Puig Alsina in the case of Flamagas SA (Flamasats SA) have and are seriously deceiving the public through all the lies and falsehoods that they have and are publishing, even in judicial headquarters. In addition, in their response to my Patent Copy Lawsuit, they have seriously insulted me, by informing me in a totally derogatory and false manner about myself, my training, my experience and my business background and that of my deceased husband, injuring my dignity and his memory. Likewise, with said judicial response, they have incurred in an evident and fully demonstrable false testimony. They have also affected my right to honor and my image and that of my husband, by not respecting our reputation or social image, by deliberately hiding for many years and currently the true origin of refillable metal and plastic lighters, which is not other than that of the numerous Invention Patents that I and my husband registered, long before Flamagas existed and copied a good part of them.

With everything explained above, it is observed that the behavior of the Puigs is worthy of a case study, I don't know if by Harvard or by some other organization. For what reason have they been cheating and still do, I would say compulsively? Perhaps the fact that they have not really invented anything, at least in the field of lighters and since their activity is mainly commercial or representational, has created the need for them to build unreal scenarios that could compensate for their true reality? It is really worth studying.



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